If you're bored, here's some ideas

  • The Glenn Beck Program on 570 KNRS 9-10 am, 4-7 pm
  • The Sean Hannity Show on KSL 1160 1-4 pm
  • Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN
  • Hannity and Colmes on Fox News
  • "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg
  • "An Inconvenient Book" by Glenn Beck

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One week later!

Our country made history last week as we voted in the first African American president. Now a week later we find ourselves continuing to make history in a different area. The Economy! As everyone voted for Obama because he was going to bring hope to this country we find ourselves continuing to fall or at least the stock market. The two days after Obama was announced president elect the stock market had its worst two day decline in history. People may hope for Obama to bring hope but the free market world may not see it that way. The thought of new capital gains taxes as well as new business taxes that he hopes to enforce scare those that make this free market go round. I can't say I'm greatly excited for Obama but my greatest worry would have to be that no one knows where this economy is going. The way this market is going has to scare the best of investors. I know the hope can come with a new wave in politics and I can't say that Obama hasn't done a good job with that but I'm not sure anyone knows what to do with this economic mess. I hope the leaders of this country can work together no matter what party they are a part of to fix the mess that we are in. Cause if they don't we are headed for much bigger problems then a new president that we didn't want in there. One last side note: how many days in a row can Obama make the new york times front page?

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