If you're bored, here's some ideas

  • The Glenn Beck Program on 570 KNRS 9-10 am, 4-7 pm
  • The Sean Hannity Show on KSL 1160 1-4 pm
  • Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN
  • Hannity and Colmes on Fox News
  • "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg
  • "An Inconvenient Book" by Glenn Beck

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hannity and colmes

For anyone who has any interest in politics whatsoever, you should watch Hannity and Colmes on Fox News Channel. It airs at 8 every weeknight and is a way to see both sides of the story. Sean Hannity takes the conservative approach and Allen Colmes takes the liberal approach. The nice thing about the show is that you are not getting force fed on one side of any story. The fact is that most people watch their network depending on the side they are on. If you are liberal for the most part you watch CNN and if you are conservative you watch Fox News. The problem with just sticking to the network that tells you your side of the story you might want to look at the other network just to see what is going on on the other side. Hannity and Colmes brings this out. I know if you are a liberal it might be hard for you to turn on Fox News but this show has both sides and both opinions on it. Not only are the two hosts opposite in opinion they make sure and have a wide variety of opinions as guests as well. You will never end the show thinking you only got the one side to the story and I think that is very important in today's media because we seem to just believe what we hear instead of doing our own analysis. On a side note in my post about tv I have to say how excited I am about 24 coming back and Sunday is a 2 hour prequel and I can't wait.

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