If you're bored, here's some ideas

  • The Glenn Beck Program on 570 KNRS 9-10 am, 4-7 pm
  • The Sean Hannity Show on KSL 1160 1-4 pm
  • Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN
  • Hannity and Colmes on Fox News
  • "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg
  • "An Inconvenient Book" by Glenn Beck

Monday, October 27, 2008

news release

Google earth became a phenomenon in 2005 when it first released on the market but today marks the day the engineers envisioned. Google earth was released to the iphone.

The dream of those that produced the application was to carry the world around in your pocket. Many have anticipated the day where we could use this convinient map without having to run to our computer. The new applications comes in 18 languages and is available in 22 countries. Applications include tilting the phone to move the map, browse millions of geo-located photos from around the world and every other feature the original google earth had.

More information can be found on the google blogspot as well as youtube.com where you can visit a vitual tour.


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