If, as I suspect, the next few days show John McCain to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America, my support will shift from the Republican party. I have always considered myself an independent; fiscally conservative, yet socially liberal. McCain fails to represent the positions that I hold dear. He talks a lot about pork barrel spending (How many times do we have to hear about the $200,000,000+ bridge to nowhere, by the way... Get a new talking point!), but that does not even begin to address the issue of overspending in Washington. When Washington spends money the same way I use my credit cards, there are big problems. Oh, and don't get me started on amnesty. While I do believe we need higher immigration quotas, I don't think amnesty of any form (as if paying a fine to get citizenship were any different than amnesty) will do anything but bring damage to the USA's reputation of being just. GWB already did enough damage on that account.
Beyond that, the fact that McCain not only actively cultivates the image of being a "maverick", but the fact that he (and many Americans) would find that term to be endearing disturbs me. If he were to become POTUS, there would be absolutely no way to determine how he would act.

As such, I will support a candidate that I think could defeat John McCain. He is also a candidate who represents family values (I admire his family- he is also a first wife/non-cheating candidate). He would bring fundamental change to the way Washington operates, because he hasn't become tainted by it yet. As Caroline Kennedy
wrote, he truly is "A President like" John F. Kennedy. I also think he could help us lay the issue of racial tension to rest in America, or at least push it into the history books where it belongs, instead of in our modern society. Rather than support "Maverick" McCain, I will support someone who seems at least as conservative as good ole' J-dawg McCain- Barak Obama.
Wow! That's interesting. I found your blog through a friend to a friend to a friends which led me here. Since I too LOVE politics and am VERY INTO it. I had to hear what ya'll thought. I hate the idea of John McCain leading our country and I love Mitt- but of course that's not looking good right now... so Barak Huh? I'd like to hear more on that and why you'd choose him. Just curious. Have you seen the pathetic emails going around trying to slaughter his reputation? I may not be voting for him-and I'm surely not a democrat, but I sure hope the American people don't believe everything they read in emails or we are going to be in big trouble!!
It's fun to read your political blog!
John although I agree with the fact that McCain is worthless I'm not quite sure I am ready to jump parties just yet. My hope is that if John McCain gets the nomination that Ron Paul will run as an independent so that I can vote for him and still feel like I did a good thing in voting. I don't want to have to jump over to the democrats side. Although Barak seems like a great guy on the surface why do you think he would make a great president. I know many people who are great people but would make absolutely horrible presidents. I'm just not quite sure why you side with him so much. I guess you are a socialist at heart, which brings up a whole other argument
Wow, Obama as conservative as Mcain, you sure about that. One is for a pullout out of Iraq, one is not, one is for socialized medicine, one is not. One is for making tax cuts permanent, one is not. etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I am a Romney fan and not a Mcain fan, but I am not crazy enough to see their views as similar and abandon everything I stand for over sour grapes. Check out my blog at politics1010.blogspot.com
Jonathan Mayne
Wow, I am shocked that such words are displayed on a blog that The Jeff Pendleton associates himself with. After getting a severe tongue lashing from him on a similar subject matter, I would think that he would be disgraced by a display of such ignorance.
What's all this talk of "sides" and "republican" or "democrat"? You people seem to think that we pop out the fallopian tubes all red or all blue. There is a pretty ridiculous trend for misinformed or uninformed United States citizens to listen to people like Papa Bear O'Reily or Hilary Clinton and think that there is one absolute good and one absolute evil both conveniently represented by the two most prominent political parties. Does that not strike anyone else as silly? When Johnathan Mayne called John crazy for "abandoning everything" over sour grapes. What a ridiculously marginalized comment to make. How could wanting to vote for Barak Obama be equivalent to "abandoning" everything he stands for. Do you honestly believe that the Democratic Party is the antithesis of the Republican Party? Red says no more taxes so the Blue of course must be saying more and more? How could we ever pick a president if the whole country was arguing from the extreme end of this imaginary spectrum. Allegiance to a political organization is risky at best. You're allowed to be a fair weather political entity. You should go where the principles are not where your political party tells you to, not if you wish to truly believe yourself an independent decision maker. Oh, maybe that's what it means to be on a "side" or "republican" or a "democrat" and "independent". When you're a republican the republicans tell you what's right and who's wrong and if you're democrat they do it for you too. So only people who are independent actually get to decide according to their actual personal beliefs not some predetermined set of ideals that we think we heard someone say something good or bad about on a TV show somewhere. Man, that's quite a lot of responsibility, probably why the independents are so few.
Well, whatever. Choose your sides and see how far you can throw stones at people you can barely even see and thankfully don't have to listen to.
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